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In Memory

Scroll down to view pictures and information about our Racers that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  You will always be loved and never forgotten.  Play hard and fast with all the others who are waiting for us at the bridge.




Life is so precious and it's taken away too fast sometimes.  Join your flyball friends across the bridge and run free and fast.



A one-of-a-kind, true to form, Jack Russell Terrie, Bulldog was if nothing else a fierce competitor whether it be in the Flyball lanes, hunting, and on the agility course.  But at the same time, she was a little dog with a big heart for her family.


When in the Flyball racing lanes, she loved to please her handlers (of whom she allowed many)!  Everyone had one last word of warning before racing with her “Just watch out for those black dogs”…Bull always made sure she gave them a holler or two.


Bull retired just shy of her Flyball Grand Champion title after a nasty hunting battle when a raccoon took out half of her jaw and a good chunk of her face.  But nevertheless, she was a consistent, fast, and solid height dog.


The day before her passing, she was a happy, freshly clipped, little dog who ran with the quad and chased her family.  She had quite a full life.  There is quite a team up there at the Rainbow Bridge.


 “We, who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own, live within a fragile circle". (Townsend)



Flex, my best friend,

The day I found you changed my life forever. When you were just two weeks old I came to the farm to meet you, you and your brother’s and sister’s were just starting to see the world. I came back every week to see you guys and to decide who I wanted to be my companion. Every time I came to see you, all your siblings would run and jump and bark and say, look at me, look at me, but not you. You sat quietly observing what was going on and only joined in the fun when you were invited by me. You weren’t what I thought a Border Collie should be. You had big prick ears, eyes too close together, pointy nose and freckles. FRECKLES?????? Border collies were black and white and that was it, in my world. So at the age of 6 weeks after going and seeing you weekly, I didn’t know who to pick, I was stumped you were all great. They told me to pick you! Not believing what I was hearing, I asked why? They said, I just have a feeling about this one. So i had one more week to think about it. When we came back at 7 weeks, your ears were bigger and you had more freckles and i thought that’s just not right. But they insisted it was you I should take home. Reluctantly, i did!!!!! We took her home, right out of the barn, first car ride and off we went visiting. You entered the house like you were meant to be there and I not knowing much about dogs or flyball for that matter, decided to roll big green tennis ball across the floor for you. You went and picked it up and brought it back to me and dropped it right in my lap. Amazement crossed over everyone’s faces, and said do that again. So i did, I didn’t see the big deal at the time, I do now. So again I rolled the ball and you repeated it flawlessly. That has been you to this day flawless. I have to say, you didn’t teach me a lot of training skills due to the fact that you just knew everything before i even asked. You were so driven and biddable never wanting to do anything wrong, and always doing whatever was asked of you over and above. You did teach me calmness, confidence and to dive into everything you do with all that you’ve got. You were the best first flyball dog anyone could’ve asked for. I didn’t know much about the sport but it sure seemed like you did. You’d give me that look when walking out on the lanes and I was all nervous, as if to say, it’ll be ok, we are here to have fun, relax and just play the game with me. You had confidence that you also instilled in me and once we were out there on the lanes together, nothing else mattered. 


Then your retirement came and it was a very hard time for you and me, but we got through it together, us still playing ball and frisbee together and having a great time in your retired days. So a few months ago we were at a tournament and we decided to give you one last run at flyball at the age of 13. You again did it flawlessly, even getting a 0.00 start from 15 feet, and I know I couldn’t do that, that was all you. So we ended on that note, the perfect dog with a perfect start. That was a great way to leave the lanes.


Now old age has caught up with you and there is no more play in your world. The sparkle in your eyes is gone, the hop in your step is now a hobble, you no longer crave food, so it’s our time to say good bye to you on this day. You will forever be in my memories, in my heart and on the racing lanes with me. You continue to live on through all your great pups you produced as well. Now go be that puppy full of a spirit that’s so driven and a heart that is so big, in that special place where many are waiting for you. Go show them how it’s done my friend. We love you, you are one of a kind.


Your loving family

           Hemi first Jack...The one who never left my side.  I couldn't have asked for a more biddable, pleasing dog.  She was a Border Collie in a Jack Russell body.  She loved flyball, but really excelled in agility.  She did the breed proud and was loved by so many.  Taken too soon.  We miss her dearly!



Your short time with us was too short.  You were taken way too soon.  Run free and play hard at the bridge, we will meet you there.



One of the best decisions I ever made was taking Levi home from the Winnipeg Humane Society. Of all the dogs I saw that day she was the only one that didn't bark and jump up on me demanding attention, of course that changed once I brought her to flyball! Levi had a very even temperament and never caused me any kind of serious problem.



She was the best dog anyone could ever had and I had 12 1/2 years with her, I was lucky to have that much time. One of the hardest decisions was saying good-bye. She crossed over the Rainbow Bridge peacefully and with dignity. She deserved that much after she everything she did to enrich my life.



Levi, I have loved you the longest and you are truly missed. I look forward to the day we can play flyball again.




“Every now and then a dog comes into your life and changes everything”


Nala was that dog for me.  When we found out there were still puppies left at the Meadow’s area farm, I was so excited.  Jumping around the house “Simba, Simba, Simba! I am going to get a Simba!” However when we got there, our soon to be Nala had other plans for us.  She never left us alone with the other puppies and her white strip on her nose meant she was mis-marked (not a golden retriever trait).  I just kept picking her up and I said to her “I wanted a Simba, not a Nala”, but she just wagged her tail and licked my nose.  Love affair started.


Nala was the best dog to have with young kids, our boys were two and a half years, and six months old when we got her, so she was the perfect four legged friend to grow up with them. Boys love to throw balls and she loved to fetch, so perfect.


It wasn’t until February 2001 when I first heard about Flyball.  I, (like most other people thought it was agility), but then realized this was the sport I had often seen at Blue Bomber Football halftime shows. Yeah!  I want to do that with her!  Nala was CRAZY for the tennis ball and loved to retrieve!  So her training began that February.  Nala was a quick learner.  She took to the game right away and was in her first tournament September long weekend that same year.  Although, that first tournament was not very successful for her team, we didn’t care!  We both LOVED this game!


That began her long Flyball career.  She was considered one of the fastest and most consistent golden retrievers in her day.  Every race you could see the big smile on her face, she would spin her tail like a propeller going over the jumps, and she was so happy to play tug as her reward for a job well done. She TRULY LOVED the game as much as I did. Nala earned titles up to 40,000 points and received her Iron Dog Award in 2012 for playing ten consecutive years.  Her last tournament was in July 2011.


Sadly, in March 2012, Nala took ill.  She didn’t suffer long, but her passing still brings an ache in my soul.  I truly believe that she was that “one of a kind special heart dog”.  There will be no other to ever take her place. 


“Thank you, Golden Girl, for introducing me to the sport, travelling with me to far away places, helping us make such fantastic friendships with so many people, and being my cuddly girl. You are truly missed.”  


So now, Nala waits at the Bridge, playing Flyball her with her pals, until the two of us can play tug again.



You crossed the bridge at the young age of 4 months, your time with us was precious, you will never be forgotten.



Taken suddenly from us, you are always missed.

© 2013 by HOLESHOT RACERS FLYBALL. All rights reserved


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